This policy applies to:


Recruitivity (registered under the name “Bastien VELITCHKINE”) - hereinafter referred to as "Recruitivity" - provides its service (hereinafter referred to as “Recruitivity Services”) by any means required to the sharing of programs, the extension of these programs or the development of new ones. A non-exhaustive list of those means can be found below:

Ensuring the protection of Personal Data collected for the purposes of its business is of particular importance to Recruitivity.

In this context, Recruitivity agrees to comply with the provisions of the current regulations relative to the protection of personal data and, in particular, the French Data Protection Act, in its current version on the date hereof and the EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, known as the "GDPR".

In doing so, Recruitivity offers its services within a secure and clear legal framework, after implementing a Personal Data security approach to minimize the risk of data breach and, in the event of an incident, provide an effective and timely response.

Article 1 // Purpose

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to present with the terms of the current Privacy Policy at Recruitivity regarding the collection, use, processing, storage and protection of the collected Personal Data (“Data”).

The Privacy Policy is part of the General Terms and Conditions.

Article 2 // Awareness and aknowledgement of the Customer

By purchasing or benefiting from a Recruitivity service, the duly authorized Customer acknowledges having read this Policy, and, as for the General Terms and Conditions, having fully understood and accepted its content.

Article 3 // Development of the privacy policy in time.